Killer leg workout

The worst thing you can do is go to the gym a couple times a week and never do leg day! You’re bound to end up with the notorious chicken legs if you neglect your legs. This workout will kick  your butt and leave you struggling to get out of your chair for the next few days. Make yourself a well rounded monster with this killer workout.

Single Leg RDL w/ Dumbbell  3×8

Single leg HS curl  3×8

pistol squat onto box 3×20 [add a weighted ball if this is too easy]

Medball HS curls 3×20

Weighted lateral lunge 3×8 (both sides)

Weighted lunge 3×20

Box Squat 3×10

Weighted calf raises 3×10

Box Jumps 3×10

Good luck with this Killer Leg Workout. Make sure to leave a comment if you enjoyed it. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @GrindFitUSA


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